
I’m really not a morning person, but I hate the fact that I can’t wake up with my alarm clock.  This has been true for years.  I can literally hit the snooze button for hours.  Example:  This morning, I had my alarm set for 6:30.  I just got up…at 9:30.  It’s been going off every…

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Go to sleep

It’s rapidly closing in on 3:00am…what Ray Bradbury called the time we are closest to death in “Something Wicked This Way Comes.”  Not that that really bears significance on anything, but one of my high school friends used to point that out… Anyway, I really need to go to bed.  Daniel will likely wake up…

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This is not a dead blog…

I’ve just been busy this past week.  Daniel’s daycare closes for two weeks for cleaning, and we’re in the middle of that.  I realized this afternoon that I’ve enjoyed spending the time with Daniel and being able to do whatever.  We’ve gone to the park, we’ve played outside, we’ve read books, we’ve played in the…

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I’m getting another head cold.  I can’t afford to take off two sick days before taking off ten vacation days…or rather, my coworker can’t afford for me to take off two sick days before ten vacation days.  Why do these colds always have to have such poor timing?  :o(

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