What a wedding…

I went to Ben and Liza’s wedding today.  It was nice, but St. John’s Catholic Church doesn’t have air conditioning and the temp was in the mid-90s outside.  The church was absolutely broiling, so the hour long ceremony (with Mass…) was not that pleasant.  They make a wonderful couple, though, and I’m so happy for them.  The reception was nice, though Josh, Josh, Kelly, and I got our own table for 8.  That was perfectly fine because I wasn’t in much of a mood to sit with random people and try to chit-chat or not offend…

A suit is not really ideal attire for a mid-90s day, but I felt good wearing it.  The sun had baked us while we were awaiting the bride and groom’s departure from the church, but the sun went behind some clouds and a breeze picked up seconds after they pulled away.  The doors to the reception opened when the ceremony ended, and since the Illini Union is a short walk away from St. John’s, it was nice to get inside.  Dinner was fine, the conversation was fine, but I think things really ground to a halt for our group when the music/dancing began.  Josh doesn’t dance, I neither had someone with whom to dance nor was planning on getting drunk enough to lose my own inhibitions, and I couldn’t tell if Josh and Kelly wanted to dance but didn’t want to leave Josh and I sitting at the table or if they just weren’t really into sitting at the reception.  We ended up leaving around 7:30 and I was home by 7:45.

I read a couple of books to Daniel, then got him to bed around 8:45.  He wanted to sleep on the “couch” in his room, so I put the futon down and got rid of all of the extra blankets and pillows.  I put his white bear and brown bear down with him and covered him with his blanket.  He cried for a minute when I left the room, but I haven’t heard a peep from him since.  We’ll see how that goes.  I have a feeling that it’s about time to get a “big boy bed” for him.

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